Mind: 5 Ways to Wellbeing

Improving your mental well-being amid the busyness of life can sometimes pose a challenge, especially within a demanding or high-stress workplace. Mind, the mental health charity is a great advocate of the five steps to well-being, an evidence-based list of simple ways to improve your mental health. Created by the think tank The New Economics Foundation, this five-step strategy for well-being offers easy, uncomplicated steps that can be integrated into your daily routine.

Step 1 – Connect

Building connections with others fosters a sense of closeness and validation for our individuality. Social engagement varies among individuals; some may prefer quieter, one-on-one interactions, while others thrive in larger gatherings. Connecting can take many forms—from online interactions to phone calls or simply catching up with someone face to face—allowing for personalized social engagement. Below are some great ways to connect during a busy day:


—If you feel comfortable, you could try speaking to someone new

—Ask how someone’s weekend was, and focus on really listening when they tell you

—Put 5 minutes aside to find out how a colleague is doing

—Give a colleague a lift to work or share the journey home with them


Step 2 – Get active

Many people feel engaging in physical activity supports their mental health. This doesn't necessarily mean running marathons or daily gym sessions. There are lots of activities that can help you have a slightly more active lifestyle. Research indicates that incorporating physical activity into your routine can improve sleep quality, elevate moods, and alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and racing thoughts. You don’t have to do a daily workout to feel the benefits that being active can have on your mental health, here are some quick and easy ways to be more active daily:


—Take the stairs rather than the lift

—Go for a walk at lunchtime

—Walk into work – maybe you could go with a colleague

—Get off the bus a stop earlier than usual and walk the final part of your journey to work

—Organise a work sporting activity

—Have a kick-about in a local park

—Do some stretches before you leave for work in the morning

—If you're in the office, walk over to someone’s desk instead of calling or emailing


Step 3 – Take notice

Encouraging self-awareness through reminders helps in recognising and understanding how you’re feeling. This practice enables an understanding of stress or anxiety triggers. Additionally, research suggests that cherishing present moments can contribute to a more positive outlook on life. Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you, this can even be done at the office.


—Get a plant for your workspace

—Have a ‘clear the clutter’ day

—Take a different route on your journey to or from work

—Visit a new place for lunch


Step 4 – Learn

Learning is a never-ending process, and we are constantly exposed to new information, ideas, and experiences. Sometimes we don't even realize that we've picked up something new until we apply it to our lives. This constant learning and growth can be a powerful source of self-confidence as we become more knowledgeable and capable.

Ultimately, combining learning and goal setting can help us feel more productive and fulfilled in our lives. By cultivating a growth mindset and taking steps towards our aspirations, we can create a life that is both meaningful and satisfying.


—Find out something about your colleagues

—Sign up for a class

—Read the news or a book

—Set up a book club

—Do a crossword or Sudoku

—Research something you’ve always wondered about

—Learn a new word


Step 5 – Give

Studies have shown that contributing to the welfare of others is linked to many mental health benefits. Along with feelings of joy and satisfaction, research has found that giving, volunteering and participating in community activities can reduce stress levels, enhance physical health, and increase social connections. If you have the time to spare, consider joining local organizations or volunteering your time to assist others. But if not, there are plenty of ways to give even with a busy schedule:


—Making a cup of tea for a colleague

—Offering to help a colleague with something they're stuck on

—Introducing yourself to a new starter, to help them feel more at ease

—Seeing if there are any volunteering initiatives open at work

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